Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation
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Practice Rhythm Strips

Practice Rhythm Strip 5
Rate:Atrial: About 300 BPM
Ventricular: Around 80 BPM
PR intervals:Not applicable
Regularity:Regularly irregularQRS width:Normal
P waves:F waves presentGrouping:Present
   Morphology:Not applicableDropped Beats:Present
   Axis:Not applicableRhythm:Atrial flutter
P:QRS ratio:Variable

This strip has some information for advanced students. The first thing to note is the very obvious atrial saw-tooth pattern consistent with atrial flutter. The atrial rate is 300 BPM, which is a common rate for atrial flutter. The rhythm is regularly irregular, with associated grouping of the ventricular complexes. The regularity of the ventricular response means that this strip is not a true variable block. The grouping and the irregularity are instead classic for Wenckebach grouping.

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